Om Bhagawan Nityananda Bhagawan
Hail to Bhagawan Nityananda, the Eternal Bliss of the Absolute.
Shri Bhagawan Sharanam Prapadhye
We take refuge in that Nityananda.
Feel free to play this chant, Om Bhagawan Nityananda Bhagawan, as sung by the Bhaktas devoted to Shri Nityananda, while viewing this page. Use the controller below. The chant will continue to play until you stop it or move to another page.
Professor Shivananda Kamath, a devoted disciple of Bhagawan Nityananda.
Swami Sadanand (Padiyar Swami).
Some of the Meditation Caves at the Kanhangad Ashram.
Bhagawan Nityananda sitting on His bed in Bangalorewalla Hall.
Bhagawan Nityananda in the Old Ashram (Vaikuntha Ashram).